Although we're still awfully sad to no longer have Lucy in our lives, we are taking opportunities to do things we were hesitant to do. Non-dog things. One of the things we have talked about for years is to go to Zoolights at the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma. The weather in December was quite uncooperative. But on Christmas Day it didn't look like it was going to be too bad. Some scattered showers. And wouldn't all the kids be sleeping early in some kind of toy/candy coma? So we decided to go see them that night. We had some leftover ham dinner and headed out shortly after dark. The drive to Tacoma isn't bad, but it's not too exciting. We used our phones to navigate us to the park in the dark. Our GPS told us to go one way, but the traffic in front of us went another. We decided to trust traffic and ended up part of a long line of cars turning around in a parking lot. We're such lemmings. HA HA We parked several tiers up in the parking lot and made our way down all those stairs to the front gate. The lines weren't too bad and I found one with only 2 people in front of me. We went inside and after some brief tinkering with our cameras to figure out how to shoot in total darkness and bright lights at the same time, we started wandering. Basically they take the whole zoo and put lights all over. All the outdoor exhibits are closed and the animals were sleeping, but several of the inside exhibits and all of the aquarium was open so we got to see animals too. We saw some meerkats that came out to check us out and lots of insects and reptiles. The aquarium was nice, but it was hot in there to the point of being uncomfortable. But we weren't there for the animals. We wanted to see the lights. Here is a sampling of what we saw. Oh, and apparently they keep their handicapped elephants over there to the right. :)
Here's the video Dan edited for us: